March 2012
Photo: William Croxton
The month of March begins with travel and adventure – a trip to Egypt! Cairo is the setting for the gut-wrenching finale of my new novel – THE STOLEN CHALICE. (official release date June 26th)
In this international romantic thriller I explore the mystery of Egypt, from the ancient civilization all the way to modern times. Egyptologists play a prominent role in the story, and I enjoyed researching their fascinating field.
I stay true to my concept of “fact based fiction”. The plotline takes my readers to several places around the world that are true to real life. I always look for at least one jaw-droppingly original setting for each book – as an explorer I see no point in covering the beaten paths trod by other novelists.
This month will also find me giving a lecture at the University Club in New York on March 7th on the topic of writing. (See my Events Page for details.)
I hope March brings you some new paths and places. Always keep exploring, even if it’s finding a different restaurant, or another jogging route for your morning run. Fresh experiences are what make life interesting.